A Neurological Viral Screen Blood Test is used to detect viral infections that can affect the central nervous system (CNS), leading to neurological symptoms. Viruses can cause a range of neurological disorders such as encephalitis, meningitis, myelitis, and other conditions that impact the brain and spinal cord. This blood test profile typically screens for common viral infections known to cause neurological complications.

Blood Test Cost – £249

Key Viruses Typically Included in a Neurological Viral Screen:

1. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

  • Purpose: Detects the presence of HSV-1 and HSV-2, both of which can cause encephalitis.
  • Tests Included:
    • HSV IgM Antibody: Indicates a recent or acute infection.
    • HSV IgG Antibody: Indicates a past infection or immunity.
    • HSV DNA PCR: Detects the genetic material of the virus, confirming active infection.
  • Why It’s Important: HSV-1 is a common cause of encephalitis, particularly in adults, and early detection is critical for treatment with antiviral medications.

2. Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)

  • Purpose: Detects infection with the virus responsible for chickenpox and shingles, which can lead to encephalitis or meningitis.
  • Tests Included:
    • VZV IgM Antibody: Indicates a recent or acute infection.
    • VZV IgG Antibody: Indicates a past infection or immunity.
    • VZV DNA PCR: Detects active viral infection.
  • Why It’s Important: VZV reactivation (shingles) can cause severe complications such as encephalitis, especially in immunocompromised patients.

3. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

  • Purpose: Screens for CMV infection, which can cause encephalitis, particularly in immunocompromised individuals (e.g., those with HIV or transplant patients).
  • Tests Included:
    • CMV IgM Antibody: Indicates an acute or recent infection.
    • CMV IgG Antibody: Indicates past exposure or chronic infection.
    • CMV DNA PCR: Detects active viral replication.
  • Why It’s Important: CMV can cause serious neurological complications in immunosuppressed individuals, and detection of active infection is important for guiding treatment.

4. Measles Virus

  • Purpose: Detects measles infection, which can lead to severe neurological conditions like subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE).
  • Tests Included:
    • Measles IgM Antibody: Indicates recent infection.
    • Measles PCR: Detects active infection.
  • Why It’s Important: Measles can cause serious long-term neurological complications like SSPE, which may develop years after the initial infection.

5. Mumps

  • Purpose: Detects mumps infection, which primarily affects the salivary glands but can also lead to complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, and orchitis.
  • Tests Included:
    • Mumps IgM Antibody Test: Indicates recent infection.
    • Mumps IgG Antibody Test: Detects past exposure to the mumps virus or immunity due to vaccination.
  • Why It’s Important: Early detection of mumps is important for preventing its spread, especially during outbreaks, and for managing complications associated with the disease.

Clinical Uses of the Neurological Viral Screen Blood Test:

  • Diagnosing Neurological Symptoms: This profile is used to detect viral causes of neurological symptoms such as headache, confusion, seizures, altered consciousness, and neurological deficits.
  • Differentiating Causes of Encephalitis or Meningitis: It helps identify whether a viral infection is responsible for inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) or the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis).
  • Monitoring Immunocompromised Patients: Patients with weakened immune systems (e.g., those with HIV/AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy) are at higher risk for viral infections that affect the nervous system, making this screening essential in such cases.
  • Detecting Emerging Viral Threats: Screening for viruses like Zika, West Nile, or TBEV is important in areas where these infections are prevalent or during outbreaks.
  • Guiding Treatment: Identifying the specific virus allows for targeted antiviral therapy or supportive care, which is especially important for treating viruses like HSV and CMV.


The Neurological Viral Screen Blood Test is a comprehensive diagnostic tool used to detect viral infections that may affect the central nervous system. Early identification of the responsible virus is crucial for appropriate management, as many of these infections can lead to severe or life-threatening neurological conditions.

Results – 2 days from Laboratory receiving sample