Sports performance blood tests are designed to evaluate various biomarkers that impact athletic performance, recovery, endurance, and overall physical health. These tests provide valuable insights into an athlete’s physiological status and help tailor training, nutrition, and recovery strategies to optimise performance.

Ultimate Performance Blood Test – £689

An easy and convenient Testosterone Blood Test kit to measure the total level of testosterone in your blood, a sex hormone essential for sex drive, muscle mass, fertility, and mood.

Testosterone Blood Test – £89

Get a full picture of your iron status with our easy home finger-prick blood test, which checks for signs of iron deficiency, iron overload, and can tell you if your iron levels are in the normal range.

Sports performance blood tests offer a comprehensive analysis of various biomarkers that influence physical performance, recovery, and overall health. By identifying and addressing any deficiencies or imbalances, athletes can optimize their training, recovery, and health, ultimately enhancing their performance. Regular monitoring and consultations with healthcare professionals ensure that strategies are effectively tailored to individual needs.

If you’re serious about your athletic performance, understanding your body’s unique needs and conditions is crucial. Here’s why a sports performance blood test can be a game-changer for you:

1. Optimise Your Performance

  • Nutrient Levels: Identify deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals that can impact energy levels, muscle function, and endurance.
  • Hormone Balance: Ensure your hormones are at optimal levels for muscle growth, recovery, and overall athletic performance.

2. Monitor Health and Recovery

  • Overtraining: Identify signs of overtraining and adjust your workout intensity to avoid burnout.
  • Recovery Efficiency: Understand how well your body is recovering after workouts and make necessary adjustments to your recovery strategies.

3. Track Progress

  • Benchmarking: Establish a baseline and track changes over time to see how your training and nutritional strategies are impacting your health and performance.
  • Performance Goals: Use data to set realistic performance goals and measure your progress towards achieving them.

4. Peace of Mind

  • Health Assurance: Ensure that your body is functioning optimally and that you are not at risk of underlying health issues that could affect your performance.
  • Informed Decisions: Make informed decisions about your training and nutrition with concrete data.

Get Started Today!

Investing in a sports performance blood test can provide invaluable insights that help you train smarter, recover better, and perform at your best. Don’t leave your performance to chance—take control of your health and athletic future.